all-but-forgotten line from Hölderlin, “Poetically, Man dwells”. Three words.
This sent Heidegger on the search that would produce Being Thinking Dwelling. He worked backwards from the words – what
does it mean to dwell? Knowing this he could begin to move forwards.
When we
say something ‘means’ something, what does that mean?
I have submersed
myself in written words. I did this in anticipation of acquiring knowledge;
instead I have lost my conviction written words have anything to tell.
There is a
phenomenon psychologists call ‘semantic satiation’. This is the technical name
for what happens when you say a word over and over until it loses all meaning.
“Shreddies, Shreddies, Shreddies, Shreddies, Shreddies, …” There is no term for
what happens when all words lose their meaning.
The Sybil of Cuma
wrote her prophecies on leaves and scattered them at the supplicant’s feet. The
almost-irresistible urge is, of course, to put them back in order. Why? Perhaps
the Sybil might not know more about the nature of text than those who seek to
impose logic on collections of words.
The name of the
concept of concepts is ‘word’. This is what logic tells us. Word is the name of
The Egyptians
knew about names; they are magical. All magic can be beneficial or detrimental.
The Egyptians thought it best to conceal their magical names. So did the
Romans; the penalty for revealing Rome’s magical name was death. What was
Roma’s magical name? Roma. How do I know that? Did someone have to die?
Naming is the
essence of all things. It is the first act. It is the beginning of separating
cosmos from chaos. What is chaos? Only a name. What is cosmos? Only a
name? Naming is the fundamental
act of love. Uttering (outering) a sound to give name to something is
sacrificing part of your spirit (Latin spiritus, ‘breath’) to bring a thing closer to you. But what can be understood
about the magical act of naming is really very trivial.
All speaking is
magical, since you can only speak names. All writing is magical for the same
reason. What can one understand if one doesn’t understand magic? Can words tell
us of their own nature? No, it would be like jumping over your own shadow.
However, there is nothing else to be done but continue as if I am master of the
magic of words. Stick around, later on I’ll play with some fire.
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